Lớp 10
Lớp 1điểm
1 năm trước
Đỗ Đăng Hưng

Choose one of the following topics and speak for between 1 - 2 minutes on the topic. (7 points) 1. Describe a volunteer work experience you have had. You should say:    what volunteer work it was    where it was    why you volunteered and explain how you felt about it. 2. Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way. You should say:    what it is    what benefits it has brought    how it influences people and explain how it changed people’s lives.

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nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!

Các câu trả lời

Cách làm:
1. Đọc kỹ câu hỏi
2. Chọn một trong hai chủ đề để nói.
3. Tạo một bản dự bị về nội dung sẽ nói trong vòng 1-2 phút.
4. Thực hành nói trước gương hoặc ghi âm để cải thiện kỹ năng giao tiếp.
5. Tự tin và tự nhiên khi nói.

Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi 1 - Describe a volunteer work experience you have had:

I would like to talk about a volunteer work experience I had when I joined a local environmental cleanup campaign last summer. The event was organized by a community group and took place at a nearby park that had been suffering from littering and pollution. I volunteered to join the cleanup because I wanted to give back to the community and help preserve the environment.

During the cleanup, I picked up trash, removed graffiti, and planted trees with other volunteers. It was a rewarding experience to see the park transform from a neglected space into a clean and beautiful area. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that my efforts, along with others, made a positive impact on the environment and the community.

Overall, the volunteer work experience was fulfilling and inspiring. It taught me the importance of environmental stewardship and the power of collective action in making a difference. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to a cause greater than myself and I look forward to participating in more volunteer activities in the future.

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