EX: Paragraph 0: D
A. The consequences of poor performance E. Benefiting from the power of nature
B. An unexpectedly demanding way of life F. Cooperating to overcome the power of nature
C. A solution that seems to work G. It’s not what people think
D. The terrible consequences of making a mistake H. No way out if you don’t like it
Paragraph 0:
Imagine for a moment, spending the night on board of a large yacht, being roughly woken in the pitch dark and ordered on deck. Every so often you will be totally drenched, very suddenly, in salt water. You will be sharing the same cramped space with 14 other people for a whole year. Your stomach, when not affected by seasickness, will be hit by the competitive tension and nervousness that afflicts all sportspeople. You will be obliged to concentrate without cease. The slightest loss of focus could cost someone their life.
Paragraph 1:
For the eight crews taking part in the Round-the-world yachting race, this has been daily life since they left Britain eleven months ago. Now, after racing 50,000 across kilometers of ocean, they are soon due home. While most of us have worked, slept, taken a holiday, these crews have sailed and sailed, day after day, night after night, in weather conditions that would test any human. This is the reality of ocean yacht racing, which bears little resemblance to the popular image of sailing - the quick sprint around a lake before returning ashore for a meal and a warm bath.
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 9
Câu hỏi Lớp 9
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
1 G. It’s not what people think
2 E. Benefiting from the power of nature
3 F. Cooperating to overcome the power of nature
4 B. An unexpectedly demanding way of life
5 C. A solution that seems to work