X. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with given words so that their meanings stay the same. (5p) 1. She is usually a hard worker. She ............................................................................... 2. Who was the inventor of this machine? Who.............................................. ………………………… 3. It is very noisy in the city, but we enjoy living there. Although .............................................................................. 4. How heavy were you last year? How..........................................................................................? 5. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain. The heavy rain stopped................................................................
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 7
Câu hỏi Lớp 7
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
usually works hard
invented this machine?
it is very noisy in the city we enjoy living there
much did you weigh last year ?
us from enjoying the trip