Elephant racing festival,one of the biggest festivals in Tay Nguyen, is held(1).......in the third lunar month
As praparation for the festival, villagers(2).......their elephants with a wide range of food apart from grass, including corns, sugar cances, sweet potatoes papayas, and bananas.Also,in order to preserve their strength, the elephants take a rest(3)......hard work
One the day of the event, elephants from serveral villages(4).......at Don village.Each time, ten elephants will run at the same time for about one or two kilometers.The competition is gluided by th sound of tu va, a kind of horn.The first elephant(5)........reaches the appointed destinatin will receive a laured wreath as a sing of victory, and it willl enjoy the achivement excitedly with sugar canes and bananas from surrounding people.(6)........finishing the race at Don village, the elephants move to Serepok River for another competition-swimming.They also practicipate in games(7).......football nd tug of war
At the end of the festive day, all festival goers mass at Don Village's community house for feasting, drinking stem wine, and in a jubilant(8)........with the boisterous sound of gongs and drum
1.A.mostly B.constanly C.monthly D.annually
2.A.poach B.herd C.feed D.train
3.A.without B.with C.of D.from
4.A.come B.drive C.round D.gather
5.A.who B.what C.which D.whose
6.A.although BAfter C.while D.however
7.A.alike B.like C.likely D.liking
8.A.atmostphere B.experience C.tradtition D.feature
Các câu trả lời
Câu hỏi Tiếng anh Lớp 8
Câu hỏi Lớp 8
Bạn muốn hỏi điều gì?
Để hoàn thành câu hỏi trên, bạn cần điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống và sau đó viết câu trả lời cho câu hỏi:1. C. annually2. D. train3. B. with4. A. come5. C. which6. B. After7. B. like8. A. atmosphereCâu trả lời: Elephant racing festival, one of the biggest festivals in Tay Nguyen, is held annually in the third lunar month. As preparation for the festival, villagers train their elephants with a wide range of food apart from grass, including corns, sugar canes, sweet potatoes, papayas, and bananas. Also, in order to preserve their strength, the elephants take a rest after hard work. On the day of the event, elephants from several villages come at Don village. Each time, ten elephants will run at the same time for about one or two kilometers. The competition is guided by the sound of tu va, a kind of horn. The first elephant which reaches the appointed destination will receive a laurel wreath as a sign of victory, and it will enjoy the achievement excitedly with sugar canes and bananas from surrounding people. After finishing the race at Don village, the elephants move to Serepok River for another competition - swimming. They also participate in games like football and tug of war. At the end of the festive day, all festival goers mass at Don Village's community house for feasting, drinking stem wine, and in a jubilant atmosphere with the boisterous sound of gongs and drums.
3. B. with - Also, in order to preserve their strength, the elephants take a rest with hard work.
2. D. train - As preparation for the festival, villagers train their elephants with a wide range of food apart from grass.
1. D. annually - Elephant racing festival, one of the biggest festivals in Tay Nguyen, is held annually in the third lunar month.
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